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One Token. Multiple Games

Severe Rise Games was organized by like-minded people with the same enthusiasm in Cryptoverse, Blockchain, NFT and Play-to-Earn games in the hopes of empowering gamers, players and investors while playing our games and incentivize and reward them with our own native token. Prepare for a journey filled with endless possibilities as you face off against various opponents.


A Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) enjoyed by players of all ages in the early 2000’s. The team has decided on reviving and transforming the game into a Play-to-Earn role playing system or the new era of the gaming universe.

General Roadmap

Stage 1
Conceptualizing the Entire Project
Team Building
Deploying a Smart Contract through PinkSale, the Contract is under BSC
Game Selection
Deploying Social Channels like Facebook, Twitter, Discord and Telegram
Private Sale
Propagating Domain and Subdomains
Finalizing Our Tokenomics
Locked 50% of Development Fund in DxLock for One Year
Stage 2
Listing Our Token on PinkSale for Pre-Sale
Locking Liquidity on PanCakeSwap and/or ApeSwap
Security Audit for Our Contract
Opening the First Game's Beta Testing
Stage 3
Official Launching of Our First Game with Play-to-Earn Environment
Listing Our Token to CoinMarketCap
Listing Our Token to Coingecko
Listing Our Token to Azbit.com
Listing to Other Exchanges
Stage 4
NFT Contract Deployment and Collaborating it to Our Games
On-Going Development for the First Game
Gathering of Ideas for the Next Game (2nd Game)
Additional Market Listing for Our Token

Contact us

Have a question for us or feedback? We would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form to reach us.